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Amazing artists filled the Shemer art studios for week 3 of art camp. Twenty-seven artists showed off their incredible art skills and learned from our accomplished instructors. Artists created ceramic masterpieces, stunning paintings and highly skilled drawings.

Week Three artists shined bright with ideas, excitement and enthusiasm.

FOX Channel 10 stopped by to spotlight all our fantastic instructors and students, and all the great learning and art happening this summer!

To watch the segment click HERE!

The older students created unique tea sets, making teapots, saucers and tea cups to make a full tea set.

Students took their art outside using sidewalk chalk to decorate our patio.

Mr. Brian taught students to draw sweets inspired by Wayne Theibaud.

Mrs. Noemy helped students add color to the drawings they created with Mr. Brian, turning their drawings into masterful pop art paintings.

Mr. James taught students how to build a self portrait mug using slab-building techniques.

Students used chalk pastels to create drawings of their favorite animals in the style of fauvism.

Students also learned about Pablo Picasso and other abstract artists to help inspire their own abstracted self-portraits.

Big thanks to all of Week Three’s amazing artists! We closed out the week feeling excited and inspired by all the great artwork, and ready for our final week of art camp!

Shemer Art Center

Author Shemer Art Center

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