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More Architecture Lectures to be Announced Soon!


Three Fountains by Alfred Newman Beadle remodel by Joel Contreras 

By Joel Contreras

This lecture will explore the best practices to follow when remodeling Mid-Century modern homes designed by Al Beadle and other notable architects.
Joel will present common mistakes made during the remodel process by other architects and designers, and how to update these homes tastefully, learning from each the language of the architect.  Contreras will also discuss the concept of keeping the original architect the star of the show and leaving their legacy in tact.

Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 5:30 – 6:30 pm

$15 per person

  •  March 27, 2025
     5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

An exploration of newcomer ambitions by their ruins, settlements and buildings as guided by historical architect Don W. Ryden, AIA

Tovrea Castle & Carraro Cactus Garden

For two thousand years, Arizona has attracted people to live in a seemingly wild wasteland. Yet Arizona proves to be a land of latent resources and potential for prosperity. Our ambitious predecessors followed a dream and chose a path. They either failed or prevailed. Often, they manifested their dreams in built form. What lasting lessons of tenacity and spirit can we learn from their ruins, settlements, and buildings?
Come search through prehistoric native ruins, ornate churches, and fantasy castles. Wander through mining camps and communities. Experience places of hard work and active retirement, and marvel at experiments for sustainable living.
Historical architect Don Ryden, a midcentury-modern native of Phoenix, will deliver this lecture highlighting 4 dreams realized through 8 architectural projects, including Casa Grande Ruins, San Xavier Mission, Mystery Castle, Tovrea Castle, Bisbee, Waren, Youngtown, Sun City, Taliesin West and Arcosanti. Travel through time to meet those intrepid dreamers, explore their remarkable places, and discover Arizona’s One Great Promise that still draws newcomers.

Thursday, April 24, 2025 | 5:30 – 7:00 pm

$15 per person

  •  April 24, 2025
     5:30 pm - 7:00 pm