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EB-05-23 Handbuilding Studio with Elizabeth Behnke

HANDBUILDING STUDIO with Elizabeth Behnke

In this class students will have the opportunity to work in ceramics in an open studio environment where they can focus on their own chosen body of work through handbuilding. This is a perfect class for students to work on special projects with guidance and input from an experienced instructor. Students seeking help with more complex intermediate to advanced projects, or seeking to expand their handbuilding skills will receive one on one consultation from the instructor as needed.  This is a class is a great space to build a body of work surrounded by other ceramicists in a supportive artistic community.

* Ceramic Experience Encouraged

NEW INSTRUCTOR- Elizabeth began teaching at Phoenix Center for the Arts in 2016, teaching a variety of subjects, from handbuilding techniques to basic throwing skills. She says her passion is helping each student find their creativity and express it.

Fridays | 1 pm – 4 pm  | May 12 – June 2, 2023 | 4 Sessions  |  $150, plus $15 studio fee (required), $20+ for clay (if purchased through Shemer)

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  May 12, 2023 - June 2, 2023
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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