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0120-DH-18 Geode Mandala Mosaics with Dave Hanson


Opaque stained glass comes in colors that are both dazzling and nuanced, and they become even more intense in a mosaic where they’re pushed into a dynamic relationship with other hues.   In a mosaic, simple designs come to life in a way they couldn’t in most other media.  In this 2 day class you’ll create a geode centered mandala that will ignite your passion for this timeless and astonishingly versatile art form.   Basic tools will be used, primarily tile nippers, to give the pieces a handmade feel.  A variety of elements will be incorporated – glass, hardware, beads, jewels… and geodes.

Though mosaics are usually associated with southern Europe and the Mid-East, they also embody the Japanese principle of Wabi-Sabi, the perfect harmony created by imperfect parts.

The word “mandala” comes from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit; loosely translated to mean “circle,” a mandala is said to be a microcosmic representation of the universe.  The harmonious and geometric beauty of mandalas has made them increasingly popular in everything from sand paintings to stone carvings, cloth, tapestries and ink on paper.  Their almost infinite versatility also makes them a wonderful form for mosaic design.

A $15 materials fee paid directly to the instructor covers all materials for the workshop.

All Levels
Saturdays | January 20, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm AND  January 27, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

2 sessions

$140 plus $15 materials fee paid directly to instructor

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  January 20, 2018 - January 27, 2018
     10:00 am - 4:00 pm

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