This course provides a foundation in the fundamentals of Drawing and Visual Arts. Students will be involved in a sequence of hands on exercises and projects dealing with gesture, line, shape, volume, value, texture, perspective and composition. Materials and methods will vary throughout the course, and students must be willing to experiment and will be encouraged to develop your own design vocabulary and repertoire of techniques. Regular slide lectures and critiques are structured informally to encourage dialogue and to provide you and your colleagues with an opportunity to translate visual evidence into words. Beyond the concepts and skills essential to good drawing practice, Ben will provide students with a variety of technical and perceptual skills that will help translate what you see to a two dimensional surface.
A list of supplies will be available upon registration.
All Levels
Tuesdays 6pm – 9pm
1/13/15 – 2/17/15
6 sessions
January 13, 2015
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm